ベビーラクーンアカネ! ♡

Hi hi みんな!
Okayh ! Now , you know , I will explain every single things ! 
Read and understand いったでしょ

I'm the real Akane 。 I'm a baby Cancer , July 14th , 10.33 a.m 。 My race are Malay , Jap and Chinese 。The truth history about Jap , Malay and Chinese blood are my great-grandparents are Jap , who came to Malaysia to conquer this hetalia 。My grandmother is Muslim - Chinese and married with my Jap grandpa 。 But , my mama's face is ' more same ' with my Jap generation 。 And marriend with my Malay - lil Arabic father and born a Chinese , Jap and Malay baby girl
Only the real Akane and close friends know this truth of story

I only have 4 facebook acc .

My main : https://facebook.com/MisaPyon [[ only for close friends , teachers , official rp only ect .. ]]

2nd acc : https://facebook.com/pichie.yueru [[ open acc but only approving who use own face pic , official rp only ]]

3rd acc : https://facebook.com/baobeii.eru [[ open acc ]]

4th acc : [[ still discuss to tell or not ]]

And I have one blogspot (( http://abbynouchie.blogspot.com )) , one Ameba (( http://ameblo.jp/akane_ashi08 )) and one baidu (( will make one ))

I advise you to not trust another external Akanes if their links is not mine ったく 。 Cuz' they are just fake and please report to me

Akane // Acc-chan // Ai-chan ♡ 

 My Xixie-nee.